“Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right.”Mahatma GandhiSometimes you need to go alone... I've figured that out pretty early.
There are people in this world who hate to be pushed out of their comfort zones. In fact a majority of them couldn't care much. Most of them would gladly follow a written word ..Unquestioningly
They will crush a spark if they see it. Because they are scared of it. Because they have killed their own a long time ago. They have stopped feeling how it is to be alive or in Job's words 'Foolish'...
From our childhood we are conditioned to think that mistakes are fatal...We are constantly in a rat race... Who gets the most in the maths test? Who gets to stand in the podium? IITs, Engg, Medical, The best salary, the best package, the biggest car, the biggest house, the prettiest wife, the smartest kids...
And so we tread the trusted path, the price of a mistake is too much! And we ridicule the ones who dare think otherwise... There is a certain stigma associated with people who take risks...We almost want them to fail and at the same time are scared of them... What if they bloody succeed?
So we wait for them to fail... "See I bloody told 'ya!"
That's not the worst piece of the story. The worst piece is when people beat or subdue others who dare think differently. This is really easy when the oppressor is on a higher pedestal of influence by virtue of his professional or personal position.
And slowly we kill the spark in individuals...And make them into social clones..Really the world has never figured out the phrase 'Performance management', else why would there be discontent in this world?
I am dissapointed today. But yes I know what to do. I won't tie a band around my eyes and blindly follow the line. Maybe I'll fail and maybe this is all foolish. But yes, I will do the right thing...And I never had a great track record of following orders and so far this has not failed me...Why change now? Its more fun this way!