Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Where knowledge is free...
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments,
by narrow domestic walls.
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way,
into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee,
into the ever widening thought and action.
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.....
Rabindra Nath Tagore
Friday, August 3, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out...."
It 's a beautiful day....
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Love, Actually....
"Love is metaphysical gravity...."
R. Buckminster Fuller
Makes sense? Well dood, even Love doesn't!
I still remember my first one (Everyone does!). And it does make me smile at the sheer stupidity of the whole episode. I've had a couple of 'off' days so u now know what i have been upto. Anyways the blogger guyz are stuck with my blog, I was stuck for topics, and now you are stuck up with me.
For some reason most people are at loss to define it. Amazing isnt it? Considering everybody experiences it at some point of life. It's a vain excercise I say, defining it or rationalising love is akin to getting the real deal about Santa Clause, or Tooth fairies. Sometimes you wonder, are you better off now ? Well not knowing had its own charms and aptly did somebody say "Ignorence is bliss".
I had a friend once. He used to stand near our college parking grounds 4 hours a day just to catch a glimpse of the girl he liked. All this trouble, when she had flatly refused his advances and mercy pleas for friendship. Another one made 400 odd calls just to find out the girl's number. All he knew was her last name was Kulkarni and at that time there were at least 1000 of them in Kothrud, Pune. I can go on and on. I was always the wise one, keeping my distance and lost in my books and sports. All around me people crashed, burned and fell in love at an rate that would beat intern entries in
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it (as Saurabh would exclaim!)? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like glance at you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Those who are lucky on their first time , well thats where you get incredible movie scripts from!
They say time is the best healer. Ultimately everything fades out. The vivid images become blurred photographs. The voices get lost in the din of everyday's hustle bustle. And one fine morning you wonder what the hell was all that fuss about! And you chastise yourself for all the dumb words, drab letters and the long hours you wasted. In short you get wise, or so you think.
Its a bit interesting to know origins of this. Lets now see what the "Know it all's" or philosophers(and those who died penniless!) throughout the history had to say about it.
As early as 4th century BC the Greek philosopher Empedocles argued for the existence of two forces, love (philia) and strife (neikos), which were used to account for the causes of motion in the universe. These two forces were said to intermingle with the classical elements, i.e., earth, water, air, and fire, in such a manner that love served as the binding power linking the various parts of existence harmoniously together (Gulp! Wow). I am sure he wrote this crap after his 10th beer. By the way he was a Pupil of Pythagoras. While Prof. Pythagoras did his math our studius student sat day dreaming about love. Bet my last buck he made 'Z's in his report card.
Recent studies in neuroscience have indicated that as people fall in love, the brain consistently releases a certain set of chemicals, including dopamine (notice the word dope!), norepinephrine, and serotonin, which act similar to amphetamines, stimulating the brain's pleasure center and leading to side-effects such as an increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and leads to a feeling of excitement. Research has indicated that this stage generally lasts from one and a half to three years. I say, shoot dart guns full of squishy stuff at your 'love interests' for good results.
All said and done, what matters at the end of the day is whether the dood makes away with the gal. I am not sure about what the fairer sex has to say about it, but I am damn sure that they do not have a clue too. So, dream on! wait for your perfect one("Prince Charming" for females, in case of guys, well do they have a choice?). Live your life. Enjoy it to max. My personal view is that there's nothing such as ideal match. Its only a matter of time before you stumble into someone whom you can tolerate and vice versa without losing your mind. Amen!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Stephen Hawkings, in "Does God play Dice?"
Monday, May 28, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
No Gucci shoes - or designer boots
I've tried the latest lines from A to Z
But there's just one thing that looks good on me
The only thing I want....
The only thing I need.....
The only thing I choose....
The only thing that looks good on me...
is YOU.."
Bryan Adams
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A Soirée of Different Sort....
Isn’t this a beautiful night?
Isn’t the shimmer of stars above, a lovely sight?
Swaying gently, the trees in avenues offer us their bows
There's some hint, the way the northern wind blows
And I see in your eyes that you feel it too
For tonite we fly to the magical land of Timbaktoo!
No bewitched brooms, no loopy saucers, no clumsy magical kite
For we have Aladdin’s carpet, to soar high into the black nite
Put on your best dress honey, stir up some heady brew
There is wind tugging at our sails, we are the only crew
My motors are running, you'd better hold on tight too
Coz tonite we are zooming to the land of Timbaktoo
Climb on, kick off your shoes, and let’s zoom through the streets
Away from the smoky cauldrons of city, away from the daily beats
We fly through the wispy clouds, across the big bad moon.
We pick a few stars on our way, hearing the nightingale croon
Watching the shooting stars pass by, so far away and so few
Yeah honey, we are on our way to the land of Timbaktoo
We pass the sphinxes and the stone henge lying in our way
Feel the wind in our hair, and see the date palms sway
We'll cross oceans where at dusk fall the mermaids play
Float paper boats, skimming the waves we'll feel the spray
Toward the land of thousand northern lights, we continue
As we inch nearer to the magical land of Timbaktoo
A sky full of moons, like a strange distant dream,
Cuddled between smoky mountains, alongside a idyllic stream
Lies the land of Timbaktoo, with a beach of pure gold
A land of two suns and fields full of daffodils, I am told
Alas we leave at dawn, drowsy, content and eyes sore
Only to return another night and a million times more!
François Lasserre, 'Pi in the sky' - John D Barrow
Monday, May 14, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Asia Awakens.....
Money makes the world go round...but what makes money go round? In theory, it has to be limited in supply so that it mirrors the supplies of goods and services that it is used to buy. Historically, gold was used to insure that the supply of ‘money’ did not outstrip the supplies of goods and services. But since 1971, gold has been out of the system. People only have their faith that the people who control paper will control it well. Yet, history also shows that they never do. The temptation to create too much ‘money’ has always been irresistible...which leads to a trend; paper money loses its value. Since the quantity of “money” is now increasing so rapidly, we expect this trend to accelerate. This is not to say there couldn’t be a period of deflation...in which currency actually gains value, for a time. But a deflationary period would probably only increase pressure on the financial authorities to increase the supply of currency. We would be surprised to see this experimental system survive for another 20 years.
Economic power is shifting from West to East. Just look at the Forbes list of billionaires...just read the papers...just look at where your cars and gadgets were made. Most of the economies of Asia are growing two to three times faster than those of the
Coming to
“Yes...there are more than a billion people in
This from Associated Press:
“An annual survey by Hewitt Associates revealed that Indian salaries are likely to rise an average 14.5 percent in 2007, with banks and financial services companies offering the biggest hikes.
“While pay hikes are expected to moderate in most Asian countries during 2007,
“‘The war for talent is becoming increasingly fierce in
“Indian paychecks are expected to eventually reach the same levels as developed Asian economies like
Why should this trend come to an end? Why, in a globalized world, should a man’s labor in Chennai be worth less than a man’s labor in
Not that this trend is unlikely to continue.
...and they’re probably also going to want to throw their weight around militarily. Nations mind their own business until they are big enough to begin minding other peoples’ business. Eventually, the Asians will begin spending their money on weapons...and start to flex their muscles. A prudent advice to
Monday, March 26, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Kommunist Kiddos
"Are you sure?” I asked.
"Yup, I am sure. My brother got admitted into an engineering college last year. I am an ST dumbo!” Sango replied.
"And what's does ST stand for?” I asked with the heavy and unprejudiced innocence of a nine year old.
“I dunno, but I am pretty sure it works.” He replied.
The conversion was interrupted all of a sudden appearance of a harsh woman whom I shall address as Mrs. P. We reluctantly left the comforts of the mango tree we were sitting on, and wisely ran for our life as she charged with a howling war cry with a broom in her hand. Also the way she held it suggested that she was quite accomplished in its usage for other ‘lines of work’. We were contemplating our future, our friendship consolidated by the comforting thought that we both were involved in theft of mangoes before Mrs. P decided for a grand stage entry. That only Mrs. P shall be privy to the delights of the mango tree didn’t go too well with our communist line of thinking. The mangoes were particularly juicy (they always seem to be tastier when acquired by communist means) in this part of J’nagar.
We were wondering about our future, as far as we could visualize at least. Kids always wonder a lot, before they actually grow up and lose their minds. We were long time chums, as far as you could count. Sango always had trouble counting past his fingers. And I never had to because I knew where my Dad hid his calculator. Even my math teacher was baffled by the sudden streak of brilliance in my assignments. I tried to draw parallels with Einstein’s life but he refused to buy that.
Among other things we were wondering how long we would be able to sustain our communist struggle. Sango reckoned it would a maximum up to 12th standard after which everybody went to some sort of college. Or if he managed to get a girlfriend it would be much shorter, as then he would be reformed. Sango’s mom always told him that she had reformed his father, which would explain his line of thinking. Knowing Sango I knew the latter event was pretty unlikely. What kind of a girl in her right mind would like to go out with a guy with couple of front teeth missing and shorts a size too large for him. As far as I can remember he has been pulling his shorts around. Imagine him doing something romantic like dancing with his girlfriend (at that age girls are disgusting!) a la Shammi Kapoor style and finding his shorts slip off to the general amusement of all. You cannot dance with one hand securely on your shorts, or at least Shammi never did.
Anyway at that juncture it stuck us that mango trees are not such a rarity, and we may continue our revolution against dimwit and selfish women like Mrs. P elsewhere. However how could we ensure that we end up in the same college? Also I was better academically than Sango (who was not as naïve to believe in everything that was dished out to us in the pretext of education). Sango noted with primness that he would be able to make it to any college that I could just because he was ST.
I was disturbed. How could Sango enjoy privileges like that? I decided to ask my father about that. He was pretty philosophical about the whole stuff. He said we wronged people like Sango long ago. So now we are getting it back. Then he explained something about social strata, which honestly I didn’t understand despite my intellectual powers. I fancied that Einstein was like me, pretty dumb in studies, till he discovered his Dad’s calculator. Only it took him 20 odd years to discover it.
Social barriers have and would exist in future. Its origin lies in the basic human urge to prove that I am different than others. These barriers only change their forms across different cultures, some take form as social status, power or as in our case birth based. The only way is to accept and recognize this basic human folly and fight against it. You cannot change everybody’s heart after all. As we make our global presence felt and move toward a new era of prosperity, we are still bogged down with this baggage from our dark past. It is not to say that we are the only ones with skeletons in our cupboard, history is replete with incidents of barbaric acts for every civilization. Dark ages, racial discrimination, slavery and wiping out entire civilizations in the name of discovering new lands are some examples. But they have moved forward but sadly we pay our penances and retributions. Instead of looking forward we look in our pasts and repent.
As for mangoes, nowadays I buy them. They don’t even seem half as palatable compared to when you get them by communist means!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
- Christiaan Huygens, (1629 –1695), In Humanity